Thread subject: :: Bellardia ? confirmed

Posted by evdb on 18-09-2022 09:39


Center of France (Loiret) on 27th june 2022.
With 2+3 dc, 2+3 ac and 3 ia, dark callipters, Bellardia is correct ?
Discal setae on tergit 4, may be B. varium ?
Thanks for help.

Edited by evdb on 24-09-2022 09:08

Posted by eklans on 18-09-2022 15:35

Hello Eugéne, Bellardia is correct, but I think it's not the female B. viarum which should have longer discals on T4. So pandia and vulgaris are possible candidates, too. Do you have a photo showing the pv-bristles on fore tibia (2: B. pandia)?

Edited by eklans on 18-09-2022 15:36

Posted by evdb on 18-09-2022 15:47

I have no good picture of fore tibia. The best one don't show any pv bristles on fore tibia :

Posted by eklans on 18-09-2022 18:30

Okay, that makes it difficult to guess the number of bristles. Seems, we should stay with female Bellardia sp.

Posted by evdb on 18-09-2022 22:23

Many thanks Eric