Posted by Rupert Huber on 24-07-2022 17:31
Hi all!
Is this
Helophilus hybridus? And if yes, are these black stripes on the abdomen sign of an illness, or is that part of its normal range of appearance?
(And if no, what is it?)
Rather small, approx. 10 mm
22.7.2022, Germany, Baden-Württemberg, near lake Mindelsee (Radolfzell), about 410 m asl., coordinates ~ 47.75404, 9.00674
Edited by Rupert Huber on 26-07-2022 11:45
Posted by Sundew on 26-07-2022 02:20
H. hybridus is correct, see the identification aids in
https://www.natur...hybridus-0 that nicely compile the distinguishing characters between the three common
Helophilus species. The pictures in
https://www.flick...445176776/ show that there may be dark spots in the yellow tergite parts.
Regards, Sundew
Posted by Rupert Huber on 26-07-2022 11:05
Many thanks Sundew!
I wasn't even quite sure whether it's Helophilus at all. These black stripes and also that it seemed smaller than any pendulus that I can remember distracted me a bit.