Posted by Paul Beuk on 13-12-2005 11:16
To put it simply, the requested work(s) do not exist. The above mentioned works have their uses and disadvantages.
For example:
Manual of Nearctic Diptera: Well composed and well illustrated. Definitely very useful but it should be noted that: a. Systematics are dealt with differently then here in Europe (tipuloid and empidiod families); b. Though for some families the generic composition of the North American and European faunas are quite similar, for others there are marked differences. With a somewhat lower diversity in Britain compared to mainland Europe, the differences are probably less than the ones we experience on the continent; c: nomenclature is already becoming outdated for some families.
Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera:
Generally well composed but the print is definitely lesser quality. The advantage is that the composition of families is (completely) compatible with that of Britain, but unfortunately, not all families have yet been included.
Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR:
Definitely useful in general terms (I still use it myself, too) but with the warning that nomenclature is hopelessly outdated, not for every family the keys are reliable, and that the generic composition may not always correspond with the British one.
I agree with Robert Nash that Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica will often provide excellent keys, but again, these may not include some of the British genera.
One entry to literature from the family level is provided in the book by
Oosterbroek et al. (2005). Not yet published in English but it may be worth your while.