Thread subject: :: Thaumatomyia (?) with unusual coloration

Posted by Carnifex on 05-06-2022 19:51

Is this a normal (maybe freshly emerged) Thaumatomyia notata or else?
In a garden in Vienna, early June.

Posted by Carnifex on 07-06-2022 23:31

anybody can confirm at least genus is correct (and not Chlorops or s th else?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-06-2022 11:52

It does look like a female Thaumatomyia notata, but I don't know why the abdomen is so white.

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 19-11-2022 14:16

Chloropidae: Thaumatomyia notata (Meigen, 1830) female; confirmed. It ingested honey dew or another fluid. The species is known to suck up repellent orange exsudates of Agelastica alni (Chrysomelidae), too, published by my deceased teacher Prof. Pschorn-Walcher.