Thread subject: :: muscid: Hebecnema vespertina? => H. nigra

Posted by bradbarnd on 15-03-2022 20:51

From Pont 1984:

"There has been some confusion over the identity and nomenclature of this species, which is now placed in the genus Hebecnema. Zetterstedt (1845: 1406) pointed out that Fallen's original series included several species, and restricted the use of the name vespertina to a species with bare eyes. Stein (1916: 50) was aware that this was a variable species, having either yellow or black halteres. Malloch (1921: 214) described the species with yellow halteres and 2 anteroventral setae on hind tibia as affinis, and restricted the name vespertina to the species with black halteres and 1 anteroventral seta on hind tibia. Ringdahl (1941: 23), following Zetterstedt's description but apparently without seeing Fallen's syntypes, used vespertina for the species with yellow halteres (with affinis as a synonym) and proposed the name halterata for the species with black halteres. Other authors, however (e.g. Hennig 1956: 143; Assis Fonseca 1968: 54), have followed Malloch's interpretation of vespertina."


"The 6 syntypes thus consist of 1 ♂ 2 ♀ umbratica and 1 ♂ 2 ♀ affinis. I have labelled the last ♂ (with the tag "66." ) as lectotype, and the other 5 syntypes as paralectotypes. This means that Ringdahl's interpretation will have to be followed: the species with yellow halteres is vespertina Fallen 1823 (syn: affinis Malloch, 1921), and the species with black halteres is nigra Desvoidy, 1830 (syn: halterata Ringdahl, 1941, preocc.)."

Edited by bradbarnd on 15-03-2022 21:12