Thread subject: :: Tachinidae ? => Syrphidae, Eristalis sp.

Posted by arnaudbdn on 31-08-2021 17:55

Hi there,

I would like to ID this fly. I really struggle with fly identification so after hours of searching, I decided to create this post.
Is it a tachinidae ?
I would be grateful if someone could help me on this and detail the characteristics that allowed the identification.

Date : 9 August 2021
Location : Geres National Park, Northern Portugal
Altitude : around 600m
Habitat : understory of a forest (Fagus, Eucalyptus). Closed habitat but right near a hiking path with open vegetation

Many thanks !

Edited by arnaudbdn on 01-09-2021 15:13

Posted by Sundew on 31-08-2021 22:40

Tachinidae usually are much more bristly, yours is covered in soft hairs. This is a member of Syrphidae, and I bet it's genus Eristalis. To tell the many species apart a lot more details are needed, i.e. a good view of the wings (dark markings present? size of the pterostigma?), the antenna (how long are the hairs on the arista?) and the face (is there a black median stripe, and how broad?). One picture isn't enough, sorry.
Regards, Sundew

Posted by arnaudbdn on 01-09-2021 10:40

Hi Sundew,
Thanks a lot for you detailed answer. Surely instructive !