Thread subject: :: Small french Bombyliidae

Posted by LeCrapoutch on 30-04-2021 10:53

Hello hello !
I have some issues with this Bombyliidae, I started by looking at smooth and glabrous looking Bombylius sp. but since they seem to loose their hair when drying, I used the Mark Van Veen key and I end up on Bombylius cinerascens but that's not satisfying at all.
Here are the criterias I saw : 7mm, black halter heads, black femoras.

Locality : France, Maurecourt (78382, Northern half of france).

Also, when I was looking for the 2-3 black bristles at the beginning of the wings, I spotted this weird looking fork. What could it be ?

Thanks already for your help :)

Posted by eklans on 30-04-2021 16:41

Hi LeCrapoutch, for me B. cinerascens looks good:
Femora black, bristles at base of the wings black, vein R-M in middle of discalcell, and brownish yellow hair, long tongue, wings without spots and no black hairs behind the eyes (Veldtabel wolzwevers, J.T. Smit)

Greetings, Eric

Posted by LeCrapoutch on 01-05-2021 18:56

Okay, surprised to have it right on the first try ! Thanks :)