Thread subject: :: Fly on dung with shiny metallic abdomen

Posted by AdrianBothe on 06-03-2019 19:42


last summer I found this fly sitting on some wild boar dung in Berlin, Germany. Could you please identify the species for me?

Many thanks in advance.


Edited by AdrianBothe on 21-02-2022 19:40

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-03-2019 20:15

Sepsis punctum

Posted by AdrianBothe on 06-03-2019 21:24

Thank you Paul!

Posted by Juergen Peters on 07-03-2019 01:44

Again (like in all your other posts):

"The requested URL /BESTIMMEN/P1230263.JPG was not found on this server."

Do you delete the pictures immediately after identification? :|

Posted by AdrianBothe on 07-03-2019 19:36

Hello Jürgen,

thanks for mentioning it. I do not delete them, but rename them to match the ID, but I missed that the link will not work any more. I switched everything back so it is working now. Sorry! I will make sure to not break the links in the future!

Best regards,