Thread subject: :: Namibian Fly

Posted by blackbird on 18-09-2007 13:33

I photographed this fly on 19th Aug 2007 close to Etosha NP in Namibia. Does anybody know its identity?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-09-2007 13:42


Posted by crex on 18-09-2007 16:01

It's always interesting to see african diptera, thanks. Considering that we seldom get a positive ID on the european species you shouldn't get your hopes up too much.

Posted by Dysmachus on 22-09-2007 14:48

It's a species of the subfamily Apocleinae. Jason Londt revised the Neolophonotus group and described nearby 5 new genera and hundrets of species. So we aren't able to identify the genus without checking some characteristics of the male genitalia. Yours
PS: The mystax is remarkable!