Thread subject: :: Another fly from Nicaragua, not sure if it is a Doli

Posted by Stephen on 22-01-2011 17:33

I originally thought Dolichopodidae but now I am not so sure.

4 January 2011.
Matagalpa Province, Nicaragua, 1000 meters elevation.
On a very large leaf by a very small steam. Open areas and forest both were nearby.
Length: 4.7 mm to the apex of the wing.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-01-2011 20:40

First thought was correct. :D

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 23-01-2011 06:43

I think medeterine genus, e.g. Saccopheronta

Posted by Stefan Naglis on 23-01-2011 18:44

Why not Medetera?

Posted by Marc Pollet on 01-03-2011 23:59

Dear Stephen,

Species that have been described in Saccopheronta (now synonymized with Medetera) represent a lineage closely related to Dolichophorus.

This is clearly a Neotropical Medetera belonging to the M. aberrans species group.
