Thread subject: :: photo attachment trouble

Posted by Colin M on 01-01-2010 01:10


I've just attempted my first post, to Diptera (adults), which went well until I tried to attach my photo. As far as I can tell, it falls within the parameters of width, resolution, file type, etc. The file name is a string of numbers and letters with no spaces, and the extension is .jpg. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by blowave on 01-01-2010 02:13

Hi Colin, and a Happy New Year!

The only suggestions I can think of are no capitals, and I don't think numbers are allowed either. Keep to a maximum of 600 pixels width. Hope this helps!


Posted by Colin M on 01-01-2010 02:29

Hello Janet. Happy New Year to you.

I removed all numbers from the file name and confirmed the width at 480 pixels, but that photo will not load. I will try attaching it here as an experiment.

Posted by ChrisR on 01-01-2010 02:59

The standard rules are:
* no spaces in the file name or unnecessary punctuation (besides - or ending in .jpg)
* <190KB in size
* <=640 pixels in either dimension (though this last part won't stop you uploading - it is just courtesy)

Posted by Colin M on 01-01-2010 03:22

Thanks Chris.

I've checked and rechecked the file's attributes:

480 p wide
640 p tall
72 dpi
size 117.1 KB
name: dpifly.jpg

I Browse for it and then Open it so it appears in the Attachment box. It all seems quite normal as far as I can tell. I wonder what's missing.

Posted by blowave on 01-01-2010 03:32

Last you preview after putting in the pic from the browse button? I found the pic disappears if i do that, so add it on the preview or don't preview. You can edit your post to add the pic, try that but don't preview.

Posted by Colin M on 01-01-2010 04:27

The first time in the other forum I did try to preview with the photo. I also tried replying and attaching the image to the reply. Also tried attaching it via Editing the initial post.

I don't think I previewed when I tried to attach the photo earlier in this thread. I will try to attach it to this post and then go straight to Post Reply.

Posted by Colin M on 01-01-2010 04:28

I don't think it worked. Have we exhausted the possibilities?

Posted by ChrisR on 01-01-2010 12:04

I think we need Paul to check whether he can see what's going on. Occasionally (very rarely) the uploader objects to the JPG format in the file and has rejected photos. The way around this seems to be to recreate the file in PhotoShop or similar software with a slightly different size and just try to upload again :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-01-2010 12:24

email me the photo and I'll see what the problem is

Posted by Colin M on 01-01-2010 22:54

Just trying again with nonPhotoshop jpg.

Posted by Colin M on 09-01-2010 20:34

Another nonPhotoshop jpg save. This definitely removed the offending JFIF from the header.

Posted by Colin M on 09-01-2010 20:34


Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-01-2010 21:05
