Thread subject: :: Dioctria

Posted by Christophe Grangier on 16-07-2006 12:30


This small Asilid on a pubescent oak in a dry meadow.
Could that be Dioctria atricapilla as shown in recent threads?

Le Perray, Siccieu (38 FR) le 14/07/06

Thanks in advance


Edited by Christophe Grangier on 16-07-2006 12:31

Posted by Christophe Grangier on 16-07-2006 12:32

another view

Posted by Christophe Grangier on 24-07-2006 17:33

Hi everybody

No ideas for my supposed Dioctria?


Posted by Paul Beuk on 24-07-2006 20:17

Comparing it with THIS ONE I would say Choerades, but I have been wrong in this group too many times. :|

Edited by Paul Beuk on 25-07-2006 08:10

Posted by Tony Irwin on 24-07-2006 20:21

Hi Christophe
This is not Dioctria - the very curved hind tibia and the form of the genitalia are not right. It is a species of Choerades, and the one it fits best is dioctriaformis! :)
The author, Meigen, clearly thought the same as you - you're in good company! :D
It's not a common species in France, according to Seguy - a very good find!

Posted by Christophe Grangier on 24-07-2006 21:35

dioctriaformis indeed! What a trap! It's a tricky species.
Thank you Paul for the photo and genus ID
Thank you Tony for the species ID and comments!
:) Relieved to see than wise and experienced dipterists like Meigen... and Paul can be trapped too! :)
And happy to discover a new Asilid not so common.