Thread subject: :: Brachystomatidae? >>> Empididae - Hilara obscura - PB

Posted by Roger Thomason on 18-11-2022 15:22

Going through some photos from earlier in the year and wondered if this might be something from the Family Brachystomatidae. If so, any chance of taking it further? Photos taken on the banks of the River Dee in Cults, Aberdeen in July.



Edited by Roger Thomason on 26-01-2023 17:35

Posted by Roger Thomason on 18-11-2022 15:23

keeping the species viable, or...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 25-01-2023 09:37

Hilara obscura

Posted by John Carr on 25-01-2023 16:29

Paul Beuk wrote:
Hilara obscura

Surprising. In America male Hilara are dichoptic.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 25-01-2023 20:36

Only in species of the Hilara flavipes complex

Posted by Roger Thomason on 26-01-2023 17:36

Thank you for the ID "AGAIN" Paul, gotta be adding up the brownie points!!



Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-01-2023 19:07

I guess it will be a long journey to collect them...