Thread subject: :: Penthetria funebris (Bibionidae) - Romania

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 15-01-2022 12:23

Hi all, I have 2 male specimens collected in May 2021 in Romania, and I think they are P. funebris. Can anyone confirm it? Also as far as I know this genus was not recorded in Romania until now.

Edited by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 30-07-2022 06:05

Posted by Zeegers on 15-01-2022 15:14

Certainly looks like one, but May is very late for this species in Roumania.


Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 30-07-2022 06:04

Those specimens were indeed P. funebris and a short note about this genus in Romania can be read here: https://www.resea...in_Romania

Posted by Zeegers on 30-07-2022 17:09

Unfortunately, your statement that fubebris is not mentiined for NL is incorr3ct. It is mentioned, hoewever not as Bibionidae but as member of the family Pleciidae.


Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 31-07-2022 04:50

Zeegers wrote:
Unfortunately, your statement that fubebris is not mentiined for NL is incorr3ct. It is mentioned, hoewever not as Bibionidae but as member of the family Pleciidae.


Hello, the statement there is correct. P. funebris is not mention from Romania, Italy and Netherlends in the recent world catalogue of Penthetria published by Fitzgerald (2021), although this species was recorded before in those 3 countries. This is the all context of that statement.