Thread subject: :: Please send some rain to Finland!

Posted by Kahis on 12-08-2006 17:14

crex wrote:
It's rather dry in Sweden as well ... Could the dry weather be of any benefit to certain kinds of diptera?

It certainly can benefit some species. We are seeing many southern species arriving to Finland. I guess you get some of that if Sweden too.

Unfortunately Finland has lost most of the dry, open spaces best suited for xerothermic species through changes in agriculture and very (perhaps too :|) effective handling of forest fires. For example many asilid species are now apparently extinct in Finland and most of the other have lost ground.

Species that love warmth and young(ish) forests thrive in Finland right now. The first time I saw Limenitis populi, a butterfly that rivals many tropical 'exotics' in beauty was heart-stopping. My butterfly guide listed is as south-eastern rarity (as it was in the seventies) and I had no clue about its rapid expansion westwards during the nineties.