Thread subject: :: Please send some rain to Finland!

Posted by Susan R Walter on 12-08-2006 15:45

This is a gloomy subject, isn't it:( I grew up on a farm in Australia, where my father, strongly influenced by the organic and biodynamic movement and an active conservationist from his teenage years, believed that if you took care of the soil, everything else would follow. In those days, I think he was right, but on moving to the UK, I realised that I now had to add to the list and taking care of the invertebrates was crucial. It seems that within my lifetime the list of what is absolutely basic and cannot cope with the pressures of ever increasing human presence and activity inexorably grows and now we must actively manage for water supply in an integrated way. These things cannot just be done in isolated pockets by individuals in their gardens and wardens on nature reserves that are too small for long term sustainability anyway. But this is what we have to start with and we have to hope that by providing that personal example and committment that slowly slowly wider attitudes will change. My feeling is that this is happening, but almost certainly too slowly. Perhaps the very best thing we can do is try to communicate our sense of privilege at the glimpses we get of these beautiful creatures and the thrill each little piece of knowledge gained about their lives gives and leave it at that. (Of course you have to be able to do that without establishing a reputation for being the local weirdo, which can be quite tricky, especially if you are seen regularly with a pooter:D)

If it wasn't raining here :p I think I'd spend an idle half hour in the garden just peering at stuff now, to cheer myself up. As it is, I'll have to content myself with going into the kitchen and making pizza dough - all that kneading - v theraputic.B)