Thread subject: :: Diptera DataBase

Posted by Xespok on 12-06-2007 07:45

I think the gallery here is somewhat tedious. The principal problem is that one needs to post the images one by one, and than someone has to approve them. This is too slow. Also it is somewhat difficult to write a description with the image. One needs to submit it, and than wait for its acceptance, than come back and write a comment.

The main reason why I do not post so many images here (unless new family or so) is that I make so many images that it would take an immense time to post them here one by one.

I would strongly recommend the diptera. info site to take over the gallery2 image management system, which I use for my web site. In my view this is far superior to the gallery that php-fusion uses. (I know because I also run a php-fusion based web site, this content management system has the best user managing capabilities).

The advantage of galery2 is that users can be given various privilages. They can directly upload. In addition, there are extremely user-friendly software for most operating systems, by which one can upload lots of photos. I have now more than 3000 diptera images on my web site, 98% of them I made myself. I could not handle these large numbers with the gallery option here.

In gallery 2 various users can be given rights to albums, subalbums. Thereby sorting the images to the right albums would not be so difficult. The community is excellent here.

Of course this would still not be an optimal solution, because the ideal solution is always a custom made web site. But far superior to the situation now.