Thread subject: :: Muscidae: Coenosia albicornis

Posted by Stephen R on 16-07-2010 13:32

After a lot of searching I yesterday caught 2 males in the same location which I believe are of this species: 4.5mm Clitheroe 15 July 2010.

It seems clear from the long narrow cercal plate that this specimen is of Coenosia albicornis. The coloration of the front femur seems to be strongly sexually dimorphic - all the many females I have seen have extensive darkening which seems to continue round the ventral side (though the book says this shouldn't happen). Both the males show darkening on the dorsal side only. Of course there is an outside chance that the females are of one species and the males of another, but I don't believe this! I have sent two females to Stephane, and if he agrees I will ask Paul to change the ident of my gallery photos to C. albicornis.