Thread subject: :: Gymnocheta zhelochovtsevi

Posted by Paul Beuk on 03-12-2020 20:56

From Richter's 2004 key of the Far East 'USSR' Tachinidae. Unedited as it was spit out by Google translate, so including ludicrous translations of some abbreviations but it will get you started.
1. Yach. r4 + 5 short-stemmed or closed; the process M behind the bend is equal to the distance between dm – cu and the bend M or just shorter than it. The width of the forehead ♂ is 3/5 of the width of the eye (Fig. 143, 3). The body is narrow, dark olive green, shiny. 7.0-9.2. - Approx. - China (Alashan), Mongolia. G. mesnili Zimin
- Yach. r4 + 5 open. Srsp. without clear stripes of white bloom. Gr. and br. bright green, with insignificant copper-red patches or (less often) dark green. 2

2. The width of the forehead ♂ is not less than 0.5 times the width of the eye. Yach. r4 + 5 narrow open or closed. V stern. br. ♂ with long narrow lateral. blades (as in Fig. 143, 7). 9.0-10.0. - Approx. - Japan (islands Hokkaido, Honshu). G. lucida Zimin
- The width of the forehead ♂ is 1/3 of the width of the eye; if the forehead is wider, then V stern. br. with short wide laterals. blades (Fig. 143, 8). Yach. r4 + 5 wide open. 3

3. Gr. bronze-brown, br. olive green; orbits, cheekbones, etc. in a thick silky white bloom; 3rd part. mustache with a broadly rounded apex (Fig. 143, 4). 9.3-10.5. - Note, Yu Kur. (Iturup Island). G. zhelochovtsevi Zimin
- The body is bright green or blue-green. 3rd part. mustache with a blunt lane. apex angle. 4

Edited by Paul Beuk on 03-12-2020 20:56