Thread subject: :: Please send some rain to Finland!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 11-08-2006 20:42

Kahis wrote:
Send some rain! Think of the baby diptera!

This summer is the dries on record in Finland by quite some margin. Total rainfall in Helsinki (where I live) since May: 15 mm! :o Average would be about ten times more.

I fear this is going to decimate the populations of many diptera, especially those living in moist soil or wet dead trees like the handsome Temnostoma hoverflies. Also many springs and small streams have totally dried up. We'll see how the springwater species like a winter without the 'warm' groundwater for protection. Year 2002 was also very dry and it killed many park trees and whole pine forests on rocky ground. This year will be worse :(

Perhaps this could be relationed with global warming (not just caused by human being, perhaps we could be pass a normal rise of temperature in climatological history...)? Here in POrtugal, each year, the temperatures seems rise a little more. Yes, I note that the temperature is getting more hotter as time goes on... :(
15 mm until now... is very few, indeed... I know in UK the weather got a little more hotter than usual a few weeks ago... Imagine if the panorama keeps the same... :| And what about your crops??

I read somewhere that in about 2020 ALENTEJO (in South of Portugal, to North of famous Algarve) could turns a real desert... and we can have the first signals of paludism!! :| Perhaps it is not a so crazy prevision...