Site downtime
Posted by Paul Beuk on 11 August 2011 09:38:21
Yesterday the data center where is hosted suffered a malfunction in an essential part of the power supply system. As a result of it, neither the grid nor the emergency generators could suply power to the servers. It took about eight hours for the technical staff to determine the true problem, decide on the course of action and to perform the necessary replacements. Luckily a spare of the major failing part was in store (which I understood is not customary as it is a big and expensive thing) and the outage lasted only an hour or eight. It could have been worse...

Still, I apologise for any inconvenience it may have caused you. I hope matters will remain running their normal course and that no further repairs and replacements will be necessary. If they are and if I am notified in advance, I will let you all know in advance, too.
