Thread subject: :: Physocephala rufipes?

Posted by Andreas Haselboeck on 15-07-2007 19:52

Hello erverybody!
Please, can anyone identify these fly? Found: Germany, near Frankfurt in a thistle bush.

Best regards

Posted by Zeegers on 16-07-2007 07:34

It's Physocephala, however, I doubt if it is rufipes.
Rufipes should have the femur 3 largely... black (don't blame me).
Moreover, it is very elongated.
SO this might be Ph. nigra.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Andre on 16-07-2007 11:47

Femur of rufipes should be uniformly reddish, as far as I know. For a better ID we need a picture from the front, taken a little bit from the side (if possible). Could even be chrysorrhoea?
Greetings, Andr

Posted by Guenter on 16-07-2007 12:09

Andr? is right that a picture from the front would help.
P. chrysorrhoea should have a completely yellow face and the brown wing-band covering R2 comletely, and a silvery stripe on the pleura (which I can`t see) (-->if it has this silvery stripe it's more likely to be P. truncata.)
Without the silvery stripe we'll need a pic of the face to say if it's nigra of rufipes.

Edited by Guenter on 16-07-2007 12:11

Posted by Andreas Haselboeck on 16-07-2007 13:58

Thanks all!

Maybe, this picture can help?

Sorry, I speak english not very well....

Posted by Guenter on 16-07-2007 14:33

I'd go for P. rufipes.

Posted by Zeegers on 16-07-2007 14:57

Andre is right, it's rufipes after all, as well illustrated by the black vitta on face in the last picture. My mistake


Posted by Andre on 16-07-2007 16:25

This is rufipes... Always rufipes...boring :@ Please find us some real nigra! B)

Posted by Andreas Haselboeck on 16-07-2007 17:05

Thank you all!
I'm so sorry, that this fly is not Physocephala nigra.:(