Thread subject: :: 7 different flies...

Posted by denhermans on 03-07-2015 10:51

Hello everyone,

this is my first post. I must confess, I'm not a diptera specialist of any kind. But my hobby, macrophotography, brings me a lot in contact with different sorts of flies. Because I have no study background in that matter, I often have a hard time determing what it just is that I captured on photo...

I hope to learn a lot on this informative website about flies.

Following flies I tried to give a name, but there's no shame in double checking offcourse consulting specialists. All photos were made in Belgium, East-Flanders, Meetjesland.

Thanks in advance!

1. Calliphora Vicina?
2. Rhagio Scolopaceus?
3. Scathophaga Stercoraria?
4. Chirosia...
5. Chirosia...
6. Syrphidae
7. ???

Edited by denhermans on 03-07-2015 11:10