Thread subject: :: Midge

Posted by mspies on 09-06-2015 12:17

Dear Marion et al.,

Sorry but no, the midge in your photo isn't even close to the description of Th. woodi (Edwards), the most obvious difference being that the latter species does not show any distinct wing pattern.

Although it is rarely possible to identify chironomids from single, total-view photos - very often not even to the genus - my (somewhat educated) guess in your case is Rheopelopia maculipennis (Zetterstedt). If I am right, then the pictured male should have a noticeable brush or tuft of setae on the tip of mid tarsomere 3. Another part of the animal that would be important to check but isn't evaluable from your photo are the external genitalia.

Incidentally, as can be seen in the Fauna Europaea database (http://www.faunae...), Rh. maculipennis is well known from Germany, whereas Th. woodi has never been recorded from this country.


Martin Spies
SNSB - Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen