Thread subject: :: Chironomus plumosus pupa ?

Posted by solito de solis on 15-05-2015 21:42

After a certain time used to prospect the documentation about Chironomus
I 'm now convinced that's very difficult to reach my intention: determinate with physical features the right name of this Chironomus pupa

A certain amount of details do match with Chironomus pupa, but when I consider more seriously the remnants of the larva, which is still attached by exuvie ... this leads to questions and very difficult comparisons that do not offer of a final solution.
Example: the larva Chironomus santicarolli could be similar in various details relating to the larva/pupa .. but Chironmus santicarolli lives in Brazil!

What comes closest to Chironomus plumosus, described here with this reference

(from )
which could be acceptable.
However, when in doubt, I must content myself with the name
Chironomus spec, as suggested Atylotus, whom I thank.

Here are a view of the mouthparts of the larva related to this pupa

merci beaucoup

Edited by solito de solis on 15-05-2015 22:07