Thread subject: :: Agromyzidae on Mint - Phytomyza petoei for confirmation please

Posted by Martin Cooper on 18-09-2014 22:43

The Apple Mint (Mentha suaveolens) in my back garden had been mined extensively this summer. I took a few leaves on 5 July and kept them to see what emerged. On 11 July I found 8 small brown pupae on one of the leaves. These hatched into small black flies on 19 July, only 1 of which was obviously male. Here are photos of the leaf, the puparia and the male specimen which emerged. To my great frustration I lost the abdomen when I was detaching it to get a better look at the genitalia! Please review the following photos and confirm or correct my determination of this as Phytomyza petoei.

First the leaf in natural light.