Thread subject: :: Asilidae from Zadar

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 10-09-2014 16:39

: ) A strange thing that. In this case it proves you can't id an animal based on opinion and pictures that do not show all needed characters. As in humans there are always differences in individuals and even the epandria can look different. Certainly after mating.

On your Greek asilid: There seems to be trouble in the land of the black legged Machimus species.

Different keys are unclear and sometimes contradictory.

I guess this is either M. setibarbus, M cyanopus or M. modestus. We can't even rule M. caliginosus out for the type is a female only.

You will have to study the gonapods to id with more certainty. Check, if possible Theodor '76 and the website of Danny Wolff on the discussion on Machimus setibarbus, intermedius, cyanopus and caliginosus.