Thread subject: :: Fly - with typical head (Platycephala planifrons)

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 18-08-2014 18:48

Platycephala planifrons (Fabricius, 1798), male, Chloropidae. The length of the projecting frons and the shape of 3rd antennal segment are characteristic. The different species are not always easy to distinguish and identification should be confirmed by checking the male genitalia after the article of Beschovski (1980): Acta zoologica bulgarica 15: 72-76. Larvae develop in reed stems resulting in the die-off of the whole stem and all leaves above the single larva. Dmitry Gavryushin gave a very good short summary of the biology in http://www.dipter...ad_id=2691! Larvae are feeding on bacteria which develop at the growing point of the Phragmites stem/leaves. Compare notes for further pictures of this species. Many publications exist on this species. Two species only occur in Scandinavia.