Thread subject: :: Sciaridae, Suffolk (indoors), Feb

Posted by Martin Cooper on 28-02-2014 09:52

I already posted this on the UK site: http://www.dipter...ia%3F.html but I'm reposting here to reach a wider audience.

A few of these tiny flies have been hovering near a Hyacinth growing in damp compost in a pot in the conservatory. I have a few specimens but pinning them is hard for an inexperienced clumsy hand like mine. These photos were taken of some of these insects when they were resting on the plant. I think they are Sciaridae and given the habitat may be Bradysia. My copy of the Freeman book on this family is in the post. In the meantime, I'd appreciate any comments. Is it possible to confirm the family, genus, or even suggest a species, from these photos?

Best wishes,

Edited by Martin Cooper on 05-03-2014 00:57