Thread subject: :: Bizarre Nematocera(?) from Java

Posted by Arp on 18-05-2013 12:03

Hi John,

Okay, thanks, but how far does the "s.l." stretch? Last night I had a look again at the various families of Tipuloidea (Cylindrotomidae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae - did I miss something?) and didn't stumble on any critters with the same posture and small head (hence I dropped back to Nematocera).

Unfortunately, on the lateral snapshots that I took the head is hidden behind the legs. Not sure at all if the barely visible longer structure is antennae or snout? I thought it to be the antenna, but if it is the snout you might be right with Tipulidae indeed.

The only similar images I could find yesterday are from this critter on Flickr (from Tasmania) - also without a name, and without a clear shot of the head. Female I suppose, where mine would be male.

I'm sure that, once we have a name, thousands of images will pop up. I did find images and a name before I'm sure, but seem to have lost my notes...

Thanks for thinking along :)

P.S. This Tasmanian page has a teneral "Limoniidae" with a vaguely similar posture (but not quite as extreme).

Edited by Arp on 18-05-2013 12:17