Thread subject: :: Villa sp. in the UK> V. cingulata

Posted by nick upton on 04-07-2012 20:23

Many thanks Martin. I went back a couple of days later and saw 10 or so around on the same hogweed clump.... so there's a little Villa ?cingulata? colony happily living in Wiltshire and they're not recorded there on NBN, though there may be other records. I took 2 specimens which I think are a male and a female and they are in my freezer awaiting conformation by an expert. David Gibbs has offered to ID them if I can bring them to an Amateur Entsoc meeting in the winter, but I can't guarantee to make it as I travel a lot. If you'd be happy to have a look if I sent them, the ID might be confirmed sooner. If you could , please contact me through this site. I can send you site location details also. I am away from home at the mo and have irregular email acess, so may be slow to react to any response.