Thread subject: :: Asilidae from South Turkey

Posted by Ktyr on 24-04-2012 07:28

I wonder if this is Erax nigrosetosus? It's a rare species only known from Israel and Turkey, collected March-May. No pictures or figures of the female have ever been published, but from what I can gather out of the literature this specimen is consistent with its big mystax and facial knob, prominent presutral dc bristles, elongate flagellum, long bristles on scutellar margin, overall hairiness, very long flat ovipositor with free cerci, red/black femorae, and that microtrichia pattern on the wings. I'm not sure if this species is even supposed to have the patch of white hairs above the scutellum like most other Erax.
Abdullah Hasbenli deposited his specimens in the Zoological Museum of Gazi University in Ankara, maybe you could compare with them (and please share with us what you learn!)