Thread subject: :: Scorpionfly: Panorpa germanica?

Posted by nick upton on 03-01-2011 12:55

Many thanks Janet for describing your scorpionfly stalking exploits! I think I'll try to spend more time watching them this year as well, and will be more alert to which species I may be seeing (and when - thanks Juergen) and maybe where. I'd be very interested to see their weird courtship behaviour, involving pheromones, spitball gifts for females and courtship gifts too (see I was involved in filming the related hanging fly Hylobittacus (Mecoptera: Bittacidae) many years ago in the US, in which the male grabs small insect prey with grasping back feet, then emits pheromones and offers the gift to approaching females. I did have some good success photographing somewhat similar behaviour in Empids (Empis opaca)last year, with dense clusters of males busy catching aerial prey (mostly bibionids) and then pairing up with females in flight before hanging on grass stems to mate. I'm more of a behaviourist than a taxonomist so get more interested and spend more time watching when stuff is happening!