Thread subject: :: beautiful Tabanidea: Atylotus (loewianus)?

Posted by Svenja Christian on 30-08-2010 13:34

I found this pretty beast the 10.08.10 in Grevenmacher (Luxembourg, just near the frontier with Germany) whe it sat on an rainpipe. It's lenght was about 17 to 18mm.

I tried to identify the fly an ended up with Atylotus, a female. In the gallery I found A. loewinaus quite fitting. Could this be right?
This is the first horse fly with such wonderful green eyes that I have ever seen. I'm really fond of green eyes in insects anyway:)

I would be very grateful for any help.

many regards,

Edited by Svenja Christian on 30-08-2010 13:39

Posted by Zeegers on 30-08-2010 20:00

The eyes of Atylotus are marvellous indeed, although the eyes of the other Tabanidae are morphologically even much more interesting !

Most Atylotus species are very similar. This one clearly has darkened femora, so it can't be loewianus.
It is the female of Atylotus rusticus


Posted by Svenja Christian on 31-08-2010 14:23

Hello Theo,

Thank you very much for your identifaction.
I am no expert in diptera, that's why I'm already glad to have found the right genus.

Concerning the eyes of horse flies: however disliked (or even feared) these animals (at least their hungry females) might be generally by so many people, there are so fascinating :D.

How come so many cant't see how wonderful insects (and other arthropods like spiders) really are...? I just don't get it...

kind regards,

Posted by Zeegers on 31-08-2010 18:39

I have your point of view already 25 years.

Let's start a fanclub !

Is still available?


Posted by Svenja Christian on 31-08-2010 20:50

Hello again,

:D good idea

the internet address already exist... about eye care, contact lenses...
what a shame ;)

I'm quite sure many of the members in this forum share this point of wiev.

amused regards,

Edited by Svenja Christian on 31-08-2010 20:50