Thread subject: :: Chloropidae

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 19-11-2022 17:57

Chloropidae, Chloropinae: Chlorops hypostigma (Meigen, 1830) female was correctly identified by "Sarah2. Junior synonym is Chlorops minutus Loew, 1866. Subsequently to Chlorops pumilionis (the goat fly) it is the 2nd most abundant Chlorops species in Europe. Typical are the shining scutum and subscutellum, the isolated pair of lateral dark spots on the 2nd abdominal tergite and the antenna with only the 3rd article being black. A small species which likes to visit flowers, especially those small greenish ones of Euonymus europaeus (Celastraceae). Larvae develop in grasses of the genera Dactylis, Poa and Festuca. Some of the actually 362 listed references [in my database] for this species report large aggregations of C. hypostigma, but those are misidentifications of Thaumatomyia notata.