Thread subject: :: Thyreophora cynophila, a diptera extincts, is founded in Spain

Posted by paqui on 08-08-2010 14:34

I have no idea, but that´s very interesting, may it depend on the habitat? I ignore the importance of the size of the dead animal, but Mégnin (La faune des tombeaux) said many Diptera species occur in summer [...] and made a calendar of some Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Phoridae and other orders (time to appear, to pupate, etc), but that was good for Paris and not valid for forensic use in other places (?).
A more recent book "Entomology and law" (interesting too) has a table (for Calyptratae) with the number of hours for hatching depending on temperature (considering palaearctic and nearctic fauna) (?)