Thread subject: :: Photos of captured insects

Posted by Tony T on 20-04-2008 15:24

pierred wrote:
I find this is a good idea to switch away from so called photographic rails and to use a three-axis milling table. Could you show us a picture of the whole arrangement?

Same as HERE but with the milling table replacing the focussing rails.

An example:
18 April 2008, New Brunswick, Canada

The final photo of the face is from a stack of 20 images merged into 1 image using Helicon Focus. The free software, Combine ZM, does an equally good job.
I have selected 4 images from this stack. The first image (#1) has just the arista in focus, the last image (#20) has the front of the thorax in focus.
Intermediate images have other features in focus.
The images were taken at intervals of 0.1mm; the fly mounted on the Proxxon table.

I am really impressed by what these image-stacking programs can achieve.