Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae - Suillia?

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 29-11-2007 12:40

Hi Kahis,

I cannot find Eurygnathomyia sp. in the dutch specieslist.

Under Pallopteridae I find 9 Palloptera sp.:
1. ambusta
2. modesta
3. muliebris
4. quinquemaculata
5. saltuum
6. trimacula
7. umbellatarum
8. usta
9. ustulata

Eurygnathomyia sp. got preapical bristles, Palloptera does not(that's what I read..)
Maybe it is not possible to check these from these details, but next to the apical bristles I don't see 'the preapicals' (maybe you don't see them because they are behind te legs on the picture) But I give them a try..

Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 29-11-2007 12:41