Thread subject: :: Tipulidae2?

Posted by Painted Jezebel on 18-03-2012 04:23

I found this species on the Thailand Island of Koh Samui on 16 February 2011, in secondary vegetation near forest. Could someone identify this species for me. I hope I have the family correct.

Posted by pjotr oosterbroek on 24-05-2012 16:02

Dear Jezebel,
Very nice picture of Hexatoma (Eriocera) gravelyi Brunetti on Diptera-info, not yet known from Thailand.
See for more details on this species.
This website now also includes illustrations at the species level (for example search: Belgium, Ctenophora, habitus).
To build this out further, I would like to ask permission to include your photo at this website (if yes, please reply to Thanks in advance.