Thread subject: :: Chaoboridae

Posted by cyprinoid on 05-12-2009 20:29

Is it possible to say more than Chaoborus sp.?

about 15mm, origin is Denmark

Edited by cyprinoid on 07-12-2009 10:06

Posted by cyprinoid on 05-12-2009 20:30

full body

Posted by atylotus on 07-12-2009 11:00

According to Saether (in Nillson, 1997) there are 3 species of Chaoborus in Denmark: C. crystallinus, C. flavicans and C. obscuripes. When I look at the labral blade (the hyaline toothes lamellae at the ventral side of the head just posterior of the antenna) it must be C. obscuripes. In C. crystallinus and C. flavicans this labral blade is protruded into a long threadlike extension.

Posted by cyprinoid on 07-12-2009 11:32

Great! Thank you!

Posted by atylotus on 07-12-2009 13:48

I will show the keys and figures from Saether & Nillson and an adapted photo to localize the labral blade

Edited by atylotus on 07-12-2009 13:54

Posted by atylotus on 07-12-2009 13:49

saether in Nillson, 1997 keys

Edited by atylotus on 07-12-2009 13:52

Posted by atylotus on 07-12-2009 13:53

Saether inNillson, 1997 figures
see fig 93, Lb for Labral blade, one of the diagnostic features in Chaoborus larva recognition
99: C. crystallinus
100: C. flavicans (also with characteristic mandible showing intermediat teeth instead)
101: C. obscuripes
102: C. nyblaei (not in Denmark)
103: C. pallidus (apparantly not in Denmark)

Edited by atylotus on 07-12-2009 13:57

Posted by cyprinoid on 07-12-2009 14:05

Now I know what a labral blade is! And I know what to look for when trying to find the two others :D

Thank you very much for taking the trouble!